Essentially, these are free resources for you to use in business, advertising and marketing. These will change regularly as the way of the marketing landscape changes and Taelon learns new more efficient ways of working. If you have any ideas of resources that you would like to request, please fill in your ideas below. Where relevant, you can save the PNG or click on the download button and save the PDF version which you can print off (although please save the trees).
The average human attention span is 7 secs
Equalman, 2018
Let’s start simple with some planners, there are variations as this depends on your working style. The free downloadable resources include daily, weekly and monthly planners.
TAELON – OFFERS – Planners by Taelon VorsterBusiness Strategy
A lot of advertising and marketing complications are encountered because there isn’t the information ready or as part of a defined business strategy.
TAELON – Downloads (SWOT & Product Mix) by Taelon VorsterMarketing campaigns
This is why it is important to understand your audience that you are looking to market to and what the relevant platforms are to best engage with them.
As mentioned above, if you have any ideas or requests of templates you would like TAELON to create as a free resource that you think others would want too, please provide your details and feedback below.