Digital Entrepreneur
Digital Entrepreneur

Misconception: Any Content and assets made for our brand are automatically owned by us 🤡

In this episode of Engage And Thrive, I will give you an overview of the different types of IP, licensing and regulations you need to be aware of as it is likely you may not own the content that you think you do. Take it from me, this can be a very expensive situation if you find out this information too late.

For the most part of these with copyright, IP, patents etc, they will differ by region both by a law perspective and by registration. This is important to note if you are a global company.

  • Myth busting


  • Vocab


  • Understand differences


  • Always check, don’t just guess


  • Legal contracts


Legal right granted to the creator of original works, including the right to reproduce, distribute, and perform the work.


The permission to use IP owned by another entity under agreed terms.

Creative Commons

Licenses that enable creators to communicate which rights they reserve and which they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators.


A symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.

UCG - User-Generated Content

Content created by users rather than brands.


A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.

Work for Hire

A legal term referring to a work created by an employee as part of their job, or in some cases, a work created on behalf of a client where IP rights are transferred upon completion.


Taelon, the sole host of the Engage And Thrive Podcast, is an experienced Digital Entrepreneur and Business Advisor to businesses of all sizes. Each bite-sized episode demystifies common business myths and offers actionable insights.

If you would like to partner with Taelon, you can book a call here. Discover how tailored strategies can help your business engage and thrive.