Where shall we start. I remember vividly the conversations with my parents about taking a gap year before going to university; fortunately for me, they were very encouraging and understanding of this as being South African immigrants the opportunity to explore the world and live a little was always something we aspired for. The one condition was that I had to return to start university and “finish my education”. But least it would give me a chance to grow up and really discover if I wanted to do a degree in Marketing. Haha. So, 18 year old me, solo, travelled for 10 months across Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Oooo the memories and adventures.
University completed. BA in Marketing achieved. The proceeding years followed with an incredible career in across New York and London which included some amazing awards won whilst at Pink Squid. But every day was a countdown to the next holiday – as my Creative Director would say “what’s your duvet flip”. My duvet flip was travel … earning enough money to travel more … The years went on and I continued in the rat race, bought my first house, gorgeous wardrobe, great dinners.